“But can’t you just tell me how much I need to fork up?!”
This is a common question from prospective clients, and understandably so.
We’re talking about your finances, after all. So it makes sense that you want to know exactly how much it costs to get a grip on the story behind the numbers.
However, it’s not such a simple question to answer.
Because here’s the thing…
I’m not selling you a product.
I’m selling you a customized solution— tailored to YOUR business.
And because every client has a unique business model and circumstances, a standard one-size-fits-all price point wouldn’t be fair to meet your specific needs.
Now, here’s what I can do…
I can provide you with a framework that will determine the price point for the solution we’ll implement for your business.
First things first, we’ve got to answer a few questions…
1. What’s Your Order-to-Cash Process?
If that’s totally new terminology for you, don’t worry!
What I mean is this:
What happens in between the time you MAKE a sale and the time the cash lands in your bank account?
Depending on how complicated that in-between process is, it will take more time to streamline and strategize an effective solution.
Of course, we’ll also need to take into account how well you know your business.
Now, you may think you know it like the back of your hand. But the reality is, we ALL have our blind spots, and some of those could be more costly than others.
Once we’ve got that settled, we need to know…
2. What Do You Want Us to Do?
Maybe you’re the kind of person who’s got your business’ financials down pat.
If that’s the case, you may just need a helping hand seeing the bigger picture or setting up a more strategic financial plan
And if so, we’re more than happy to help!
But not everything falls into such a neat and tidy box.
Maybe the sheer sight of a dollar sign symbol is enough to send you running for the hills…
Or perhaps you desperately want to understand the numbers behind your business, but no one’s ever explained what’s affecting your bottom line in a way you can understand.
We’re pros at translating complex finances into everyday language, and we can also come in and steer the ship in the right direction. It just won’t cost the same thing as it would for us to put together an expense report.
3. How Many Transactions are We Talking About?
It goes without saying that the scope of work will also determine the price point of our services.
Do you need assistance with a couple of payables and a handful of invoices?
Or are you looking for someone to go through thousands of lines on your credit card statements, each of which needs to be coded to different clients and jobs?
No matter how many transactions you give us, we’ll go through them all with a fine-toothed comb, paying close attention to every nitty-gritty detail that makes its way into the spreadsheet.
But yeah, we’ve got to charge accordingly.
And finally, answer this honestly…
4. When Was the Last Time Someone Really Looked at Your Books?
Eek, don’t want to answer that last one?
It’s okay. There’s no set of books too messy for us to make sense of. But if months have gone by since someone’s even glanced at them, then you may require more than just a fine-tuning.
See why we can’t just put the same price tag on every project?
What we CAN do is guarantee that we’ll handle your finances with the utmost professionalism, accuracy, and years of expertise behind us.
Once you’ve answered the above questions, we’ll insert them into our handy framework, and whip out a price point for the task at hand.
Contact us today to book your first strategy call!